So What Is a Churchwarden, Anyways?

A Churchwarden is a lay official in a parish church of the Anglican Communion (Church of England, Anglican Church or Episcopal Church). Holders of these positions are leading members of the parish board, which is usually called a Vestry, Parish Council, or Parochial Church Council (PCC). The role of Churchwarden is extremely varied but generally involves management, maintenance, and ministry. The rights and responsibilities of Churchwardens are laid down in Church Law. And as with most roles within a parish, this is a voluntary (unpaid) position.
If you have just been appointed a Churchwarden, and aren't exactly sure what you've gotten yourself into...fear not! Being a Churchwarden will surely prove an interesting and rewarding experience for you and this website will get you started on your way, with some great resources, tips and general information. Your own parish and diocese is likely to have more specific information about your role in this ministry, so be sure to use all the resources at your disposal...including the outgoing warden, whose voice of experience is likely to prove invaluable. Blessings in your new ministry!