Web Resources and Recommended Reading

The following are some of the more commonly accessed websites pertaining to the Anglican Communion which you may find helpful to have on hand. It is worth checking them at least periodically for news and updates, so that you may keep abreast of current issues, policies and events in the Church at large:
- Anglican Communion
- Archbishop of Canterbury's Website
- Church of England
- Episcopal Church
- General Synod 2007 (Canada)
- The Anglican Church of Canada
- The Anglican Domain
- The Windsor Report/Process
Here are some additional links to websites that contain excellent information for Churchwardens:
- - An excellent "one-stop-shop" for anyone involved in the care of the church
- - Advice on dealing with an interregnum
- - More info and a great series of leaflets for Churchwardens
Recommendend Reads
- Churchwardens: A Survival Guide-The Office and Role of Churchwardens in the 21st Century
By: Martin Dudley and Virginia Rounding - So the Vicar’s Leaving: The Good Interregnum Guide
By: Mike Alexander and Jeremy Martineau - Practical Church Management: A Guide for Every Parish
By: James Behrens - The Churchwarden’s Handbook: A Practical Guide
By: Ian Russell and Helen Elliot - Management Essentials For Christian Ministries
By: Michael J. Anthony and James Estep (eds.) - How to Look After Your Church
By: Council for the Care of Churches - The Churchyards Handbook (Conservation & Mission)
By: Council for the Care of Churches - Sounds Good: A Guide to Church Organs, For Incumbents, Churchwardens
and PCCs
By: Council for the Care of Churches